Get an SLR Film Camera:Although I did not get the exact same one I used in my Photo class last year, I did get a nice Nikon L35 AF which is still nice :)- Start writing more short stories!: I wrote a couple of more short stories than I did last year! One of them even won an award this past month :D
- Stop drinking so much caffeine!: Umm, yeah...
The idea to this came from something I started up a couple of weeks ago. I started writing letters to this person and was never planning to send them. I just wrote on about how I felt about things that were going on between us. I was thinking about it last night when I couldn't sleep and I came up with this one resolution:
- Write letters to people that have influenced my life: This is going to be a big commitment on my part, but I really want to do this. I want to write at least one letter a day (or every other day, I haven't decided yet) to a person that has come by my life. Each day will be written about a different person (I think I know a lot people). It does not have to be a person I know very well or that I still talk to. If I see someone on the street that makes me think, I'll probably write about them that day. It will just be something about that person from my point of view. I just really want to do some writing and it feels good to have pen and paper again because it seems like everything I do now involves a computer. Hopefully this project turns into something big and helps me in my future writing :)
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Something I did in Photo this year w/ Sophia and Yvonne (P.) [Light Painting] |
About 2011: This year came with many surprises and new people. I opened up a Tumblr account, which is probably the best thing ever! I feel like I've gotten closer to many people this year and I'm glad for it. When I started my junior year, I told myself to try not to be so shy when I met new people and it's really helped. I got to go El Salvador, which I hadn't done since I was eight. I even had a chance to see Taylor Swift in concert and it's the biggest crowd I had been part of! My writing and photography skills have gotten a bit better and I've had a few great projects. Last year I won one Gold writing award, and this year I won one Gold and one Silver :) I really want to major in Creative Writing and it feels good to have a sense of what I want in my future.
I feel really blessed to be around the people I hang out with whether it be at school, family, or friends. I have had many laughs and tears that I couldn't ask for better people to be surrounded by. Sophia, Taylor, Yvonne (P.), Liz, and Mark, I know we don't say it often, but I love you guys. I thought my high school years were going to suck and I would be forever alone, but when I'm hanging out with you guys and laughing it seems way better than to have any boyfriend! xD Leslye, Jessi, Diana, Carla, Elaine, Yvonne (M.), Keturah, and Crystal: I miss you all and it sucks to see us growing up and growing apart. I loved our crazy lunch days and football games, but I understand everything that's going on. I understand that we are growing apart, but my love for y'all has not changed. I'm glad I still talk to some of you guys often and I hope it doesn't change any time soon :) And this one goes for all of y'all! If we do grow apart, just know that y'all will always hold a special place in my heart! <3
Thank you God for the many beautiful moments that You have given me this year. It's one that will not be forgotten :D
Sorry for going off like that, but it is my blog and you can't tell me what to do! If you read this all the way through, well thanks!
And a Happy New Year!
Lelly <3